Audio Studies
Studies ranging from specific books of the Bible to overarching themes of salvation history.

Signs of the Covenant: Transforming Lives and Renewing Relationship
A Six Lesson Audio Course Signs of the Covenant: Transforming Lives and Renewing Relationships features St. Paul Center President, Dr. Scott Hahn, and his wife Kimberly on the connections between the Church’s sacraments and the relationships we live everyday. Each hour-long talk helps unpack the...

The Gospel of Mark
St. Mark paints a portrait of Jesus that is vivid, dynamic and focused on His miracles and His divine Sonship. But, unlike the other Gospels, the structure of Mark defies easy definition. In this five part series, Dr. Scott Hahn reveals the hidden themes that St. Mark employed, like a master composer, to orchestrate his…

Romans: The Gospel according to St. Paul
A Nine Lesson Audio Bible Study Course An engaging, informative, and thought-provoking nine lecture series by Center President Dr. Scott Hahn, as well as Center Fellows Dr. John Bergsma and Dr. Brant Pitre, they will walk you chapter by chapter through the biblical book that most scholars consider Paul’s greatest theological masterpiece. Along the way…

Proclaiming the Kingdom: The Gospel of Matthew
A Ten Lesson Audio Bible Study Course The audio course “Proclaiming the Kingdom” systematically unpacks the riches of the Gospel of Matthew. Sometimes called “the Gospel of the Kingdom” because of its central theme, Matthew was the most often quoted of the four...

Lessons from the Early Church
Listening to the Fathers Today Our individual identities are shaped by and linked to our parents and the stories of our families. As a Church, our identity is linked to and shaped by our fathers and mothers in the faith, the earliest Christians. What do those early Christians have to say that is of relevance…

Feasts of Faith
An Eight Lesson Course on Feasts of Faith When God became man what became of the feasts of His people, the Israelites? What became of the Passover, Pentecost, the Day of Atonement, the Feast of the Tabernacles, the Lord’s Day, and other special days in the Jewish calendar? Did they lose all significance and meaning…

The Splendor of the Church
A Nine Lesson Audio Bible Study Course “The Splendor of the Church,” audio course examines the Church in the Pauline and Johannine writings and in the Synoptic Gospels. All of this is contained in this nine-part series taught by Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. Brant Pitre and Dr. John Bergsma at St. Vincent’s Seminary in Latrobe…

John: The Sacramental Gospel
A Six Lesson Audio Bible Study Course Many people have called the Gospel of John, the Mystical Gospel; others have named it the Spiritual Gospel. The Church traditionally depicted John as an Eagle soaring above the other Evangelists (depicted as a man, an ox, and a lion). All of this is contained in the understanding…